By Ali Nawaz Rahimoo
Setting goals is just the beginning. After taking the time to identify what your goals are, achieving them is a whole other ball game. Working to
achieve your goals can feel overwhelming at times. Here are some effective
goal-setting tips on how to achieve life goals to the best of your ability.
1. Have SMART goals:
You’re not going to achieve your goals if they aren’t SMART. If you haven’t heard of SMART goals already, they are goals that are:
Relevant. It is essential that any goals set for teams or individuals are relevant to company-wide aims.Of course, goal completion is important, and having goals met or worked towards is the overall idea when setting them, but this is only really beneficial when the goals are productive in the workplace environment and will contribute to company success in some way.
As a manager, it is particularly important that you help your employees link their goals back to the wider team and company-wide goals. One of the best ways to motivate your employees is to make sure they know how their work is contributing to the bigger picture. Time-bound. Goals must be time-related. It’s not productive to set a deadline too far in the future for a simple task, or an unrealistically short deadline for something complex and time-consuming. This common pitfall can be incredibly demotivating for staff. They’re either left with an abundance of time in which they are not pushing themselves, or left feeling stressed and demotivated when they fail to complete goals in the time frame provided. By setting goals that have these characteristics, you’re setting yourself up for greater success.SMART goals examples Now, let's walk through some SMART goal examples.
Example 1:
Example 2:
S. Have customers complete satisfaction rating surveys at the beginning of their contract and again after two quarters
2. Write them down
Don’t just daydream about your
goals — put pen to paper and write them down. This makes your goals more
tangible and makes them seem more real.
3. Make your goals visible
To keep your eyes on the prize,
put your written goals somewhere you’ll see them. It should be a place you
visit regularly so that you’re constantly reminded of where you want to be. If
it’s your personal goals, put them on your bathroom mirror or fridge as a nudge
every morning of what you want to achieve. For teams, your group goals should
be somewhere all your team members can see them. This could be a bulletin board
or incorporated online into your group management software.
4. Break it down
Because goals are often
long-term and abstract by nature, make them more digestible by breaking them
down. Use a “goal ladder” by writing your main goal at the top rung of the
ladder. Work your way through the rest of the ladder steps, writing down the
smaller goals you need to achieve in order to achieve your main goal.
5. Develop a plan
Now that you know what you’re
working toward, it’s time to figure out how you’re going to get there.Write
down the individual steps you need to take to achieve goals. Creating an action
plan will keep you on track. As you work your way through each step of your
plan, cross it off so you can see how much further you have to go and feel
optimistic about your progress.
6. Take action
Goals aren’t going to achieve themselves. Once you’ve got a clear plan of how you want to achieve your goals, it’s time to get proactive. Put your plan into action. Even the smallest act makes you one step closer to your goal.
7. Keep perspective
It can be easy to become obsessed with achieving your goals. You might reach a point where you feel you would do anything you have to in order to get closer to achieving your goal. But this can lead to burnout and even abandonment of your goal. Avoid burnout by living a balanced life. Take breaks from your plan and look at the bigger picture. Practice kindness toward yourself and give yourself time.
8. Identify potential obstacles
Be realistic in that you’re
going to face challenges along the way. Recognize what these problems might be
and make a note of them. Being aware of your potential obstacles will make them
less intimidating if you are faced with them along your journey toward success.
9. Be accountable
Trying to accomplish a goal
entirely by yourself can be lonely and overwhelming. Accountability helps you make consistent, steady progress and
keeps you striving toward your goals. Keep yourself accountable by sharing your
goals with a friend. If it’s a group goal, have your team share their goals
with another team.
10. Reflect and adjust
Maybe you haven’t achieved your goals in the time frame you wanted to. Maybe your goals were a bit too unrealistic. And that’s ok. Rather than feeling defeated, take time to review your goals and see what you can change. You might need to adjust your goals or maybe just tweak your plan to achieve them.